Uncover the autonomy within
“ Awareness requires living in the here and now and not elsewhere; like the past or the future ” – Eric Berne
Coaching – Leaders
Are you looking to discover what’s really important to you?
Team Interventions
Are you looking to identify the strengths in your team?
Organisational Advisory
Are you a HR professional looking for organisational development support?
My philosophy is about uncovering what’s already there and working with people to make the best of what they have.
We use a simple, effective, and powerful approach to our consulting and coaching practice. We focus on how our thoughts, emotions, and behaviours impact our relationship with ourselves, the people around us, and how we look at situations. We seek to enable people to discover their hidden choices and to step into these spaces.
What is coaching?
ICF defines coaching as partnering with clients in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximize their personal and professional potential. I would add that this is a forward moving conversation, which enables clients to feel, think or do things differently. This is a process of change or deepening our understanding of ourselves.
What's the benefit in coaching?
- Greater clarity of goals, roles and objectives
- Improve self-awareness
- Improve relationships both personal and professional
- Take greater responsibility and accountability for actions and commitments
- More confidence and re-assurance
The benefits of coaching are many; 80% of people who receive coaching report increased self-confidence, and over 70% benefit from improved work performance, relationships, and more effective communication skills. 86% of companies report that they recouped their investment on coaching and more (source: ICF 2009)
What’s the difference between coaching, counselling/therapy and mentoring/training?
- Consulting, mentoring and training – these are opportunities for the client to acquire knowledge, advice, guidance, solutions or skills from and experienced professional.
- Counselling and therapy – these are often used in response to a painful past event with the emphasis on moving away from an undesired emotional state. This type of work is in the realm of a trained and qualified therapist.
- Coaching – is a creative process where the client comes up with their own insights to follow up on and build accountability.
What are the key stages in team development?
I believe there are critical stages in team development which require more support, two of them being when a team comes together for the first time (forming according to Tuckman’s model) and dealing with conflict (storming), both of these require a lot more energy and can take up the most amount of time. Check out my services page for more information.
How do you work with teams?
The starting point for me is to gather data and develop understanding from a range of different data points, this is my approach:
- Speak to the sponsor or leader of the team
- Observe team meetings
- Survey the team to gather information
- Identify common painpoints or issues
- Work with the team to co-create solutions which address the root cause of the problem
- Celebrate success
- Re-visit to ensure it sticks
What do personality assessments offer?
I offer personality assessments and debrief for individuals or teams, who want to develop an understanding of their preferences and how they can best use their strengths and work with their development areas, This may a be a useful starting point if you want to discuss some behaviours, aspects of your personality and not sure where you wish to start. If you want to find out more about personality assessments, please feel free to get in touch.
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